Plan For Growth 2024: Finance Edition

Have you ever looked at your Profit & Loss report (P&L) and thought…what the heck is going on? How can your business be more profitable? Or, why are you profitable on paper but your bank balance isn’t showing it? Perhaps you’re struggling to understand how to price your products methodically and want to learn how to use Quickbooks to manage your finances?  If these questions resonate with you, you're ready for our Plan for Growth: Finance Edition!

This program of six high-impact classes covers the A to Z of what small business owners need to know about business finance & accounting. You’ll develop the confidence to make numbers-based decisions and build your business intuition to maximize the effectiveness and profitability of your business. You already have your numbers—you just need the right approach and toolkit to help analyze them.

This educational opportunity is coupled with a private strategy session (60 minutes) with Skopos Collective to apply the class concepts to your business. You will also have a chance to completely revamp your financial structure and share it with your peers for feedback and conversation during the fourth class!

The deadline to submit applications is Monday, April 22, 2024. All applications are to be submitted using this form.

Virtual Info Session: Watch the recording here

Please note: Participants must attend all classes. The minimum weekly time commitment is 5 hours, including homework. If you cannot commit, we have another upcoming cohort in the Fall.

Apply below! If you have any questions about the program, contact Yujia Hu at or (718) 965-3100 x121.


All classes will take place at Creative Workshops at 33 35th Street in Industry City, Brooklyn.  

Each class will begin promptly at 9:00 am and will end at 1:00 pm.  

Week            Dates           Topic

     1        Weds, May 1    Foundations in Financial Management

                                           Out of all the responsibilities business owners have to manage,

                                           68% of business owners say that managing their finances

                                           makes them most uncomfortable. To break through the

                                           uncomfortable, our first step is to explore the essentials of

                                           financial management.                                            

     2        Weds, May 8    Design Your Chart of Accounts

                                           Whether you're just starting up or you've been in business

                                           for 20 years, a great Chart of Accounts helps you track your

                                           spending on daily operations and strategic initiatives alike.                                                  

     3        Weds, May 15   Using Break Even to Strategize Your Growth

                                           Now it's time to see how you can use your financial data to

                                           make key management decisions that will affect your  


     4        Weds, May 29   Chart of Accounts: PRESENTATIONS: Sharing is Caring!

                                           This group sharing exercise means we can practice  

                                           talking about our business, have more honest conversations

                                           about our vulnerabilities, and learn from each other's

                                           different business models.                                                

     5        Weds, Jun 12   Outside the Vacuum Bringing In QuickBooks

                                           It's time to put the concepts and theories learned into  

                                           practice...your plan is ready for QuickBooks Online!    

     6        Tues, Jun 18   Managing Your Business With QuickBooks

                                           Time to take it to the next level, now that you've  

                                           implemented your Chart of Accounts and learned simple

                                           tips & tricks... it's time to dive deeper.                

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